Welcome to P7!

P7 Autumn Term 

 Here is a quick insight to what P7 will be covering in the Autumn Term, in Literacy, Numeracy and WAU.


P7 will be covering the following objectives in their writing : 

*  Narrative - Suspense/Thriller based on Halloween.

*  Instructions - How to make and work their own inventions.

*  Persuasive - Pupil Parliament/Eco-Councillor  speeches.

*  Poetry - Christmas theme - shape/acrostic poems.

*  Formal letters to charities - connected to Rainforest theme.


P7 will be covering the following objectives in their grammar:

*  Revision - Main terms - nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, pronouns, basic punctuation.

*  Connectives (including time connectives).

*  Past/present tense.

*  Reported speech/Direct speech.

*  1st/3rd person.

*  Comparative language.


We will also be continuing to work hard with our reading, handwiriting and spellings.


P7 will be covering the following objectives in their Numeracy:  


*  Place Value – Read and write numbers to 1,000,000.

Read, write and order tenths and hundredths.

Read, write and order decimals to 3 dp.

*  Multiples and factors – Explore and understand these terms.

*  Addition and subtraction – Develop vertical + and – through formal recording.

Understand + is the inverse of -.

Extend + and – to beyond 1000.

Add and subtract tenths/hundredths.

 *  Multiplication – Have quick recall of tables up to 10 x 10

X and ÷ by 10 and 100.

Extend multiplication to a 2 digit/3 digit number by a 2 digit number.

 *  Division – Develop quick recall within 100.

Extend division to any 2/3 digit number by a single digit.

Investigate dividing a number by 10 or 100.

Divide a number by a single digit to answers with up to 2 dp.

We will also be continuing to practise our table and mental maths skills, as well as work hard in our Mathletics.

WAU -Rainforests

 P7 will be covering the following objectives in their WAU:

To know what a rainforest forest is.

*  To know approximately where rainforests can be found.

*  To understand why the Earth is hottest at the Equator.

*  To know some of the problems which are related to rainforests.

*  To know the different layers of the rainforest.

To know what deforestation is and what some of the pros and cons of it is, for the environment, people and animals in the rainforests.