The School Day


School opens at 8.45am: – pupils can come in and get settled for the school day. 


Pupils are expected to be in school before the second bell rings at 9.00am when lessons start - please inform the school office if your child is going to be late so we can make the appropriate arrangements. We thank parents in advance for their support in this matter. Please remember that every minute counts!


Parents arriving after 9.00am with a pupil will be asked to leave the pupil at the front door where they will be met by a member of staff.  The front door will only be opened via buzzer after 9.00am and pupils will have to be signed in by their accompanying adult. 




Our Supervision Policy sets out clear guidance for pupils, staff and parents – here are some of the main points: -


§     Pupils on site when the school doors are not open are not supervised by the school and remain the responsibility of parents;


§    At break & lunch pupils may leave the play ground, New Land, the canteen (or on wet days the classroom) to go to the toilet provided they have sought permission from a member of staff;


§     Pupils are not permitted to remain in the classroom at break or lunch for any reason unless they are supervised by a member of staff;


§   Only pupils who have a note from home requesting that they remain inside at break or lunch will be able to do so – the reason must be medical;


§   No child is allowed to leave the school at break or lunch, even with a parent, until checks have been made with the Secretary, Class Teacher or Principal.



 HOME TIMES P1 - P7 *please note that clubs may be subject to change


P1, P2 & P3 go home at 2pm every day (unless attending a club until 3pm or 4pm Monday-Thursday).


P4 to P7 go home at 3pm Monday to Thursday (unless attending a club until 4pm Monday-Thursday) and at 2pm on Friday.