School Vision:
We intend to develop Our School Vision to outline what children gain educationally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually from being a member of Ballycastle Integrated Primary School community and how all staff should play their part to ensure this happens.
To do this effectively we need the input of you, the parents of the children we teach.
A questionnaire will be sent home soon to get your opinion on matters you feel are important to the education of your child. We welcome all responses and will use them to create a Shared Vision for Ballycastle Integrated Primary School.
Our Mission Statement:
“Progress through Partnership”
At Ballycastle Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit, we aspire to provide a rich broad and balanced education in a safe, stimulating environment. As an integrated school we celebrate diversity and prepare children for an ever-changing world. Our success is driven by our desire to facilitate the best possible experience for our children in partnership with parents, governors and our local community.
Ballycastle Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit will strive to promote an ethos and culture which encourages good attendance and where each pupil will feel valued and secure.
School Development Planning:
School Development Plan 2024-2027
Schools are required to maintain a School Development Plan, based on a three year cycle to review progress and plan for improvement across a range of areas.
In autumn 2024, we are preparing surveys of parents, pupils and staff about School Development. It was our intention to use the feedback from those surveys and also our evaluation of the previous plan to inform the drawing up of a new plan. This is a work in progress and it takes time to refine the plan - new versions will be uploaded periodically.
In recent years, the school has been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and industrial action which have impacted on our plans. However, no crisis occurs without learning and we have learned much from having had to respond dynamically to the demands the pandemic has placed upon us.
We are currently updating our plans and we are confident that a revised plan will reflect all the priorities within the school community.