Welcome to P7!
P7 Autumn Term 2024/5
Here is a quick insight to what P7 will be covering in the Autumn Term, in Literacy, Numeracy and WAU.
P7 will be covering the following objectives in their writing :
* Narrative - Suspense/Thriller based on Halloween.
* Instructions - How to make and work their own inventions.
* Persuasive - Pupil Parliament/Eco-Council speeches.
* Poetry - Christmas theme - shape/acrostic poems.
P7 will be covering the following objectives in their grammar:
* Revision - Main terms - nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, pronouns, basic punctuation.
* Connectives (including time connectives).
* Past/present tense.
* Reported speech/Direct speech.
* 1st/3rd person.
* Comparative language.
We will also be continuing to work hard with our reading, handwiriting and spellings.
P7 will be covering the following objectives in their Numeracy:
* Place Value – Read and write numbers to 1,000,000.
Read, write and order tenths and hundredths.
Read, write and order decimals to 3 dp.
* Multiples and factors – Explore and understand these terms.
* Addition and subtraction – Develop vertical + and – through formal recording.
Understand + is the inverse of -.
Extend + and – to beyond 1000.
Add and subtract tenths/hundredths.
* Multiplication – Have quick recall of tables up to 10 x 10
X and ÷ by 10 and 100.
Extend multiplication to a 2 digit/3 digit number by a 2 digit number.
* Division – Develop quick recall within 100.
Extend division to any 2/3 digit number by a single digit.
Investigate dividing a number by 10 or 100.
Divide a number by a single digit to answers with up to 2 dp.
We will also be continuing to practise our table and mental maths skills, as well as work hard in our Mathletics.
P7 will be covering the following objectives in their WAU:
* To know what a rainforest forest is.
* To know approximately where rainforests can be found.
* To understand why the Earth is hottest at the Equator
* To know some of the problems which are related to rainforests.
* To know the different layers of the rainforest.
* To know what deforestation is and what some of the pros and cons of it is, for the environment, people and animals in the rainforests.
* To know some of the animals which live in the rainforest layers and to research 1 in particular.